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Galerie Artismagna : La ville s’éveille


Last June the Espace Durev presented in Paris, in association with the Galerie Artismagna, “La ville s’éveille “(“The city wakes up”) with 20 photographs by William Klein, Roger Schall, Georges Martin, Nicolas Simenon, Pierre Boulat, Cliff Chan, Alexandra Boulat and Didier Fontan.

Following the success of this exhibition, Galerie Artismagna is presenting, until November 5, in its Lyon space 76, Quai Pierre Scize in Lyon V °, an enriched version of the works of Hugo de Castelbajac and a selection of work by the photographers Blanc and Demilly.

“It is an ambitious initiative to bring together 75 years of photography around such a dense theme, and to offer the public a journey through time according to the full feeling of photographers in the face of reality. Because photography, more than any other form of art, leads us to a universe that we readily believe to be real. It imposes on the eye as on the mind a captured fragment, that of a reality to which we can not have the slightest doubt. But a simple retrospective of reality would not be enough to render what an art gallery promises its audience: the poetic experience, or in other words, a transposed reality. The works that we have selected therefore offer the double advantage of strict reality, but taken from the angle of a narrative and aesthetic purpose. ” Emmanuel de Boisset / Artismagna


La ville s’éveille

from October 20 to November 5, 2021

Galerie Artismagna

76, quai Pierre-Scize

Lyon Vème

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