In the early light of its life, a baby discovers the world from its 50-centimenter height. As the months go by, its eyesight improves to clearly distinguish shapes and colors.
Everything becomes a source of wonder. A little one can stay for minutes to go into raptures at something as common as insignificant for adults. A butterfly, a flower, a swirling leaf then become the most phenomenal show.
But at nightfall when the senses are awakened, a shadow, a noise are turned into a generator of fears and frights. The adults surrounding them are far from seeing the world through the eyes of children. They pile up comforters, cuddy toys, toys without thinking for a second that they open the door to a terrifying and scary world.
With the eyes of a child, shadows become aggressive or evil. These shadows can wake up at any moment of the night to drive us into a terrible torpor.
All childhood fears are real or are at least at some point of our lives. This is one of the great basic emotions that humans encounter in their life. Each of these moments of panic when we were children, remain. They are sometimes fun, shared with family but some remain in us. They insidiously remain in our minds, deep inside in our relationship with the world. No matter how old we are, residual fears are there, waiting to rise up!