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Franck Allais : Le poids des mots


I wanted to create a series about the movement, sound and chaos of traffic.

I began by setting up my camera on a tripod and taking photos of passing traffic. Looking at my photos, I noticed that I was ignoring what should have been obvious: what was written on the cars. That’s when the meaning of the series started to evolve. Instead of seeing cars and trucks, I saw words floating by like a visual dialogue, messages bombarding my cerebral cortex that were instantly forgotten. I realized I had hit on something both playful and disturbing.

Franck Allais

Franck Allais was born in 1972 in Dreux, France. He left for Ireland in 1998, and has lived and worked in London since 2001. A self-taught photographer, he likes to place everyday things in a new context and, if possible, make his viewers smile.

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