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Body and corpus – ANTI/KÖRPER by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret

The eponymous term “antibodies” – which generally refers to proteins produced by the immune system to fight pathogens it symbolizes in this context the idea of ​​resistance and defense.

The exhibition “ANTI/KÖRPER” brings together artistic positions that use bodies as concrete tools to create stories and images that escape a clear assignment to an existing system established by a “gaze of domination” (whatever it may be).

With Claudia Holzinger, Leon Höllhumer, Kai Kuss, Xenia Lesniewski, Daniel Rajcsanyi, Sophia Süßmilch and Sarah Tasha, contemporary artists were invited who use their respective artistic practices as strategic means of symbolic and explicit self-affirmation and thus do justice to the patriarchal reason which still comes to us today from the Enlightenment, with its traces of the suffering of the excluded, separated, marginalized, destroyed and the repressed.

The chosen artists illustrate and explore social norms, constraints, stereotypes, individual and collective identities. They examine forms of oppression and create alternative perspectives on value systems. They challenge traditional narratives and thus fulfill a cultural protective function which could find its counterpart in that of biological antibodies.

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret


Claudia Holzinger, Leon Höllhumer, Kai Kuss, Xenia Lesniewski, Daniel Rajcsanyi, Sophia Süßmilch, Sarah Tasha
From August 9 to September 28, 2024.
Inge-Morath-Platz 1-3, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel +43 662 849296
Tel +43 699 14455010
Fax +43 662 849296-4
[email protected]

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