“Among the few galleries presenting emerging authors at Paris Photo, one of them has particularly attracted attention this year. This is Clémentine de la Féronnière, a young gallerist located rue Saint-Louis-en-L’Ile in Paris. The quality of its hanging at Paris Photo demonstrates her know-how since it has found a coherence by combining very different writings, with on the one hand young talents like Guillaume Zuili and Adrien Boyer, and on the other authors as confirmed as James Barnor of which she presented vintage prints never shown before. But what distinguishes Clémentine de la Féronnière from the other gallerists is that she is also an editor. She therefore has the particularity to lead simultaneously two activities that are both complementary and at the same time distinct. Thus she supports her artists by doing books elaborated by taking into account the specificity of their works. Added to this is a full-fledged publishing activity since she also designs books outside her programming. Thus, recently, she has published Momentum, the mechanics of the test, a monographic book dedicated to JR published on the occasion of the exhibition of the artist at the European House of Photography. To put Clémentine de la Féronnière in the spotlight is to salute her ability to take risks and emphasize her singularity, since she claims to defend the diversity of contemporary photography, from Peter Mitchell to Marco Barbon to Gilles Favier. and Munem Wasif to name a few. By being present on two essential activities – book and exhibition – Clémentine de la Féronnière defends her artists by bringing them what the need most: a support for the diffusion of their works.» Florence et Damien Bachelot
Adrien Boyer until 9/02/2019
51, rue Saint-Louis-en-l’île, 2nd courtyard
75004 Paris