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Fisheye Gallery et AKAA : Delphine Diallo : Divine


The Fisheye Gallery exhibits the work of Delphine Diallo, during a solo show, and on the occasion of the Art and Design fair, AKAA (Also Known As Africa). Photographer and collage enthusiast, Delphine Diallo is an emotional visual artist collected by museums and foundations in Europe and the United States.

Her inspiration is triangular: between Africa (Dakar), Europe (Paris) and America (Brooklyn where she works today); but also at the crossroads of mythology, history (colonial and African), anthropology, science and martial arts.

She does not hesitate to defy the standards, to upset the eye, to take the iconic traces of the past to turn them into living and visual objects of the present which slip by like comets on Instagram and fix themselves in our eyes as on the walls of the galleries.

She uses all the processes to deconstruct the gaze, from collage to illustration, virtual reality technologies to analog and digital photography, and explores all possibilities to make the invisible visible.


Delphine Diallo: Divine

November 4 – December 23, 2021

Fisheye Gallery

2 Rue de l’Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris 10th


Art and Design Fair, AKAA (Also Known As Africa)

from 12 to 15 November

Carreau du Temple


A book accompanies the exhibition

Delphine Diallo : Divine

published by Hat & Beard Press

€ 52

Hard cover

20 × 27 cm, 156 pages


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