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Festival Les femmes s’exposent 2024


The seventh edition of the LES FEMMES S’EXPOSENT festival opened its doors in Houlgate, in Normandy. The festival is entirely dedicated to professional women photographers (all categories: photojournalism, documentary photography, art photography, etc.). Its aim is to show their growing contribution to the world of photography and media, to make their work visible. Less than a quarter of photographers in major photo agencies are women. They earn less than their colleagues. Only 25% of the programming of photographic events highlights the work of women photographers. They are therefore insufficiently present in the press, festivals, exhibitions and photo awards. The LES FEMMES S’EXPOSENT Festival aims to promote and reward the work of women photographers and, thus, to support new and older generations.


The Festival is also sensitive to the question of democratizing access to culture. The exhibitions are held in public spaces: their visibility for all and their free admission are the basic principles in the organization of the event.
This seventh edition runs until September 1st, with:
– 12 outdoor exhibitions including 2 carried out thanks to grants including one in residence in Houlgate.
– 2 prizes and 1 emerging creation grant to reward work on various themes.
– 3 educational projects in the form of projections.

Les femmes s’exposent 2024
June 7 – September 1, 2024
Houlgate, Normandie


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