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Farid Tabrizi


Poverty and courage of nomadic women – Today, in addition to the traditional roles of women, we are witnessing an improvement in the quality of services and goods, as well as the entry of rural women into new fields, by implementing empowerment training and skills development. In addition to food products, handicrafts and carpets, art products and tourism-related services are areas that rural women have pursued with interest, and are working to provide the necessary opportunities for their participation. Of course, this requires the provision of gender-specific statistics.

On the other hand, villagers and nomads have a close relationship with nature in their lives and livelihoods. Women, meanwhile, are the main actors in nature. This means that to protect resources and prevent pollution and environmental degradation, the development of green entrepreneurship, recycling, compost production, optimization of water consumption, use of renewable energy, wastewater treatment and other related activities can be done.

At the same time, the beautiful and valuable handicrafts of the villages should be considered with the ability of domestic and export marketing. And the promotion of Iranian and Islamic lifestyles by rural women to be produced and promoted; However, this requires spiritual support.

Today, supporters of nature are among the most honored Iranian men and women of the Unit of Unbreakable Nature Conservation Unit, which is at risk due to population pressure and uncontrolled development, as well as climate change.

These and many other small and large points, such as identification and economic prosperity, are considered to be the efficient functions of rural women for the development of the country and the sustainability of Iran’s civilization.

Farid Tabrizi

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