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f³ – freiraum für fotografie : Dirk Reinartz : Kein schöner Land…


The exhibition of Dirk Reinartz titled Kein schöner Land… (No fairer Land…) is presented until March 2, 2025 at the f³ – freiraum für fotografie.

It is a selection of images from the archive holdings of the F.C. Gundlach Foundation and the Deutsche Fotothek Dresden. This focuses specifically on German identity with all its contradictions and historical anchoring as well as its reorientation after 1989. Particularly after the last state elections in East Germany, the historical continuities that lead up to the here and now become clear.

A large part of Dirk Reinartz’s photographic oeuvre was commissioned: with numerous publications in journals and magazines such as Stern, Merian, ZEITmagazin and art between 1971 and 2004, as well as representation by the VISUM photo agency.


Dirk Reinartz : Kein schöner Land…
Until March 2, 2025
f3 – freiraum für fotografie
Waldemarstraße 17
10179 Berlin

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