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Bartur Photo Awards – Open Call

This year’s BarTur Photo Award is now open but CLOSING SOON! The competition is free to enter for both the main and student awards to continue to support and celebrate…

Les Chemins de Photos – 9e édition

After this period of restrictions of our freedoms attributed to health necessity, during which art in all its forms has been curtailed and downgraded, the adventure of Chemins de photos,…

11th Aliança Francesa Award – Open Call

The "Aliança Francesa Photo Prize" opens its registration on May 16, 2022 on the theme "Dreams", from June 16, 2022 to June 23, 2022. The national photography contest of the…

Kristian Gavoille – OnephotoOnedayOneyear

A succession of images made between April 10, 2020 and April 10, 2021. One photo per day on Instagram for 365 days. A collection of moments that pass. An ephemeris of moods, places,…


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