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Premium Agendas

Bettina Rheims – Nadeije Laneyrie-Dagen, Détenues

Bettina Rheims’s book Détenues takes us across the threshold of four different detention centers in France. The photographer answered the essayist Robert Badinter’s “call to go to prison.” She spent an entire…

Hiroshi Sugimoto, Portraits

Sugimoto’s portraits of historical figures appear to capture a lived moment in time, they are fictions. These portraits are in fact at least twice removed from the subject: his photograph…

Bieke Depoorter, As it may be

Magnum photographer Bieke Depoorter has traveled to Egypt regularly since the beginning of the revolution in 2011, making intimate pictures of Egyptian families in their homes. In 2017, she revisited…

Future Feminine

The Fahey/Klein Gallery is pleased to present Future Feminine, a group exhibition focused on the evolution of the feminine perspective in an otherwise male dominated medium. This exhibition presents the…

Pilar Macias, Joyeuse itinérance

Exhibition at Musée du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada (2018/01/18-2018/03/11). In the summer of 2017, Pilar Macias criss-crossed the Bas-Saint-Laurent territory in Québec, with her portable tent. She joins the festivities of…

Irving St Garp & Louise Brodsky

Exhibition "Les SaugreNUES" & "Intimités Acte 2 - Les Mains" by Irving St Garp & Louise Brodsky at THANKS Galerie, Mons, Belgium: Two artists with different universes and techniques meet…

Clément Lambelet, Two Donkeys in a War Zone

The work Two Donkeys in a War Zone finds its source in a video of the U.S. Army available on Youtube. A drone follows an attack against an Isis camp.…

Louise Skira

Présentée à l'Hôtel Pont Royal, l'exposition de Louise Skira réunit un ensemble d'oeuvres, argentique, en noir et blanc sur l'univers d'un peintre et de la musique. Louise Skira est née en…

L’Herbe Folle

Espace_L gallery presents the exhibition L'Herbe Folle to celebrate the 6 years of existence of the gallery. The name of the exhibition refers to the positioning of the gallery in Geneva.…

Edmund Clark, The Mountains of Majeed

« The Mountains of Majeed » : une association des noms ambiguë, mêlant l’Orient et l’Occident autour d’un élément de la mythologie universelle. Ces […]…


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