Marvin E. Newman, the storyteller, Marvin E. Newman the inventor. Marvin E. Newman, the charmer. At the age of ninety, with a mischievous glint in his eye, Marvin E. Newman casually drops a thousand tales that tell the story of American photography from the end of the Second World War to the present day. He’s an inquisitive man who embraces the world and never takes himself too seriously. He has photographed everything with great enthusiasm: from street reporting to advertising and sports, from night life to high fashion. Like many photographers of his generation, he has never shied away from any commission. But as he has done so, he has remained staunchly faithful to what he learned in 1949 from his teachers at the Chicago Institute of Design (which began as the New Bauhaus). As he himself says, ‘no matter what I shoot, I always photograph for myself’. Marvin E. Newman took especially to heart one of the precepts of that mythical school’s founder, Lázló Mohóly Nágy: always experiment and keep experimenting. Leave the beaten paths, embrace new technologies. Impose your vision.
Nowadays, Marvin E. Newman devotes himself to his archives with renewed passion, revisiting his work through the lens of digital prints.
Les Douches la Galerie, Paris presents Marvin E. Newman’s first personal exhibit in France, with a selection of his work that ranges from the first photographs he made while still a student in Chicago in 1950 to his works from the 2000s. In addition, the gallery is showing Church on Maxwell Street, the film he made with his famous colleague, Yasuhiro Ishimoto, in 1951, about the street where Chicago blues was born – a little seven-minute jewel of a film.
Opening Reception: March 8, 6-9pm
More information at
Les Douches la Galerie
5, rue Legouvé, 75010 Paris France
March 09, 2018 to June 02, 2018