The third photo book from the Collection “Autoportraits de Famille” by Guillaume Geneste, published by Filigranes Éditions, is now available in bookstores.
This third volume has the title of a text by Anne-Marie Garat, “À bout de bras (2006-2011)” and will be followed in the fall of a fourth volume “Trop n’est pas assez (2012- 2016)” with a text by Téréza Siza, then a pack containing the four volumes “Autoportraits de Famille” in winter 2020.
“The first time that Guillaume Geneste showed me his pictures to make this book, I knew that they would not be those who strive to illustrate the touching image of the idea of family in the albums, but I did not imagine that they would bring to this point of incandescence the burning subject of happiness in the family, so intractable subject that it puts on the same threshold of impasse the veteran artist and the naive amateur, disarming them both from technical or aesthetic knowledge, at the risk of sentimental immodesty, so not popular in photography… It took him the long time of a practice, remained private until this day, so that his collection of photos reveals what it at stake in it from everything else through time, that they expose the gesture of which he subverts the peculiarities of the genre to express this delightful and scandalous thing that is the simple happiness of living together. It shows uncompromisingly what is the least in the album, the most secret of tenderness, nudity, the satisfaction of hugs, embracing, corpulent childish bodies, flesh married with joy, the wonder renewed and always surprising daily shared with the beloved woman, babies and children growing gradually – so fast : everything that goes without passionate noise in the room or the kitchen, the street, on the roads, the beach; familiar places to the family photo that punctuate his chronicle, here transcended by the gesture of the operator loving the impossible look at himself and his own. In fact, we can see at first only radiate love, and the classic use of the camera to capture a little imponderable moment of his advent. »[…]
Anne-Marie Garat
For more information:
Filigranes Éditions
June 25, 2019 to August 25, 2019