In the second chapter of his photographic series Les Fêtes Galantes de London Fields, Etienne Clément presents a phantasmagoric world evoking the intimate, stylised revelling that took place in 18th century fêtes galantes in France echoed by 21st century London Fields ‘Summer Season’ in London. Beautiful hipsters congregate and London Fields rapidly turns into a hedonistic park of bacchanalian barbecuing, drinking, pill popping, loving, DJing, dancing… till the early hours of the morning. In the face of economic upheavals, Covid19, lockdowns and other Brexit nasties, the pursuit of pleasure is gaining an almost political significance. The party must go on!
Etienne Clément : Les Fêtes Galantes de London Fields.
20 novembre au 23 décembre 2021
Les Fêtes Galantes
23 London lane
London E8 3PR
Rise Art