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Espace Wallonie-Bruxelles : Jim Sumkay : Motus


Jim Sumkay has been a street photographer for more than 15 years. Every day, in Liège or in other cities, he carries his camera around his neck and reacts as soon as a situation challenges him. This gives an almost uninterrupted series of snapshots that he shares daily on his Facebook account. Black and white posts, which call for no comment.

About sixty of his photos are exhibited until March 19 at the Espace Wallonie-Bruxelles. In 2011, they made it possible to compile the book “Motus” published by Antoine Degive. Jim Sumkay pinpointed visual coincidences, games between words and images, a whole series of situations due to chance that had no staging.

Jim Sumkay: Motus
Until March 19, 2022
Espace Wallonie-Bruxelles
Rue du Marché Aux Herbes 25/27
1000 Brussels, Belgium


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