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Enzo Crispino



This new project was born by chance, while I was cleaning out my external hard disk. Looking again at these photos taken in September nine years ago on Lake Maggiore, I made this consideration, that if I had had in my hands postcards purchased in Stresa or on Isola Bella, and not digital files, I would certainly have perceived a decidedly different emotion, more immersive, that emotion that can derive for example from the tactile experience, which inevitably transports you to another dimension; more concrete.I remember lingering over these postcard displays, the emotion of choosing something you liked and that perhaps reflected ‘that moment’ immediately took over.At the same time you were also confronted with some postcards that you felt with strong certainty were not good photos, often even bizarre in the subject portrayed, or worse and very often rather banal shots. Photo postcards were those too, they served to remind us of a place, a moment, we needed the memory, that memory that the passage of time then faded them, with its colours acquiring almost unreal hues. I wanted to turn these old, forgotten photos into postcards, I ideally liked to imagine rediscovering the tactile experience of holding a photo that reminded me of an instant. Today, however, we miss this emotion, we search for memories in the gallery of a smartphone, and then maybe one day, we even delete them, thus perhaps losing that memory. Hence the desire to regain something tangible that digital technology has absorbed and modified, while we users have forgotten to look for those lost emotions.

Enzo Crispino

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