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Behind the Scenes: Rencontres d’Arles, Education


The educational component of the Rencontres d’Arles remains largely unknown to the general public.  Its programs are committed to the educational world (Back to School in Images), to families (Young People’s Workshops), to individuals (“L’atelier des photographes” app) as for professionals (Rencontres professionnels de l’éducation à l’Image [Professional Image Education Meetings]).
The educational activities prove to be numerous, especially since their preparation is made in the margins of the calendar dictated by the organization of the festival’s exhibitions.  Like this, the educational service activities are maintained for a long time.  They continue from year to year all while bouncing off the program of each edition, organized around a central core, with two people year-round (Isabelle Saussol-Guignard and Marine Marion), to be extended to thirty people at the peak of activity.

Reed full story in French version of L’Oeil de la Photographie. 

Rencontres d’Arles
From July 4th to September 25th, 2016
13200 Arles

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