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Editorial : Goodbye Summer!


Summer is almost over.
Don’t send us pictures anymore.
Again this year, it was a pleasure to discover them everyday, a lot were publish but even more were not, due to space and time and our choice to keep sharing the news of the photographic world through the summer.

Since July, several galleries presented exhibitions themed on the season, you can see some of them in today’s edition, for some these are the last days to visit.

Now, it is back to school and this season promises to be glorious.
Special editions, museums and galleries exhibitions, new books, festivals and fairs, exclusive interviews, portfolios along with our regular chronicles (and some new ones), all the Photography news will come every morning for you to discover with your coffee or tea.

To bid goodbye to the summer, what better way than to share with you these photos by Douglas Kirkland that his wife Françoise sent us, they are from their book When We Were Young. About it, Françoise had those words.

We met and fell in love in Paris in the mid 60’s. Inspired by the magic of our relationship, during the summer of 1972, we decided to recreate our passions and pleasures on our family property in the South of France and at the beach in Saint Tropez, with the help of Nic and Caroline as our alter egos. That little cottage would be ours for a magical summer. Looking back, we feel the wonderment of the lives we lived. We were playful and innocent. No pressures, few worries and only carefree time to frolic and make love in this beautiful scented Garden of Eden When we were Young is a personal memoir of a free spirited and uninhibited era for lovers of all ages and all kind. – Françoise Kirkland

Enjoy the last days of summer as we look forward to continuing to share with you our common passion for Photography.

Gilles Decamps

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