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Editions du Puits Fleuri : Claude Abron : La Parole est aux Murs


For 5 decades (1971-2022), the photographer Claude Abron, according to his missions, seized the moment and recorded these ephemeral messages on film. In an illustrated book of 650 photos, he invites us to travel through time in Paris, in the suburbs, in the provinces and in large cities. An exciting journey full of nostalgia that makes us reflect on our human condition, on what has marked the generations. The messages are sometimes bitter, humorous, hateful, anguished, the range is endless.


La Parole est aux Murs
Photographs by Claude Abron and texts by Yves Uro
Editions du Puits Fleuri
Size: 25 x 23 cm. Paperback 222 four-colour pages
ISBN: 978 2 86739 718 939 €

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