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Éditions de la Villette : Margaret Dearing : Sous-sol


Sous-sol, photographic collection by Margaret Dearing is a work composed of forty-one photographs, which explores the depths of the La Défense business district, beneath the surface of the large esplanade.

If the aerial landscape of La Défense rhymes with planning and globalization, efficiency and fluidity, light and transparency, these values ​​are diametrically reversed in its underground part: separation of flows and audiences, stratification of soils, labyrinthine routes, dark and unoccupied areas , matte materials in muted colors.

Sous-sol 1 / Sous-sol 2 / Sous-sol 3 photographic ensemble reveals a little-known part of the La Défense business district. Rather than the spectacle of its office towers, with their conquering and sparkling architecture, Margaret Dearing depicts its invisible side by venturing beneath the surface of the large esplanade, this vast concrete slab built at the end of the 1960s In forty-one photos, she explores the spaces below, which have no other function than service.

Second title in the “Point visuel” collection, this photographic collection restores in book form the images created during the “Flux, a society in motion” commission from the National Center for Plastic Arts, in 2018-2019. It is accompanied by an original essay by art critic Marion Delage de Luget: “Of the depths – and of those who use them”.

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