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Éditions Bessard : Emmanuelle Bousquet : Haute Couture


Éditions Bessard publishes Emmanuelle Bousquet’s book, Haute Couture. She writes:

Coming from a family of fashion designers from a renowned French brand whose name I have always hidden, as a teenager I did not allow myself any freedom of expression in clothing, branded with a hot iron by our family label, I kept silent throughout these essential years of construction of my femininity…since this obsession with working on the skin of the Woman has never left me, a long internal battle between clothing and the flesh, but also looking for a second skin on my self-portraits that I created in blurring, testing by breaking, biting, scratching the polaroids (previous series).

To reclaim this lost freedom in the face of the dictates of fashion that confine you, use this personal development to rekindle the freedom of ones body on a daily basis.

Every woman is free to be herself in any shape, origin, gender… crushed by this society which is still not evolving enough in the right direction yet…

Here just for the duration of this “Haute Couture” series, I am sewing this second skin with a needle, an ongoing search for freedom from my family origins.

Each book is unique, because I sewed the covers to recall the Haute Couture Series which I sew with a needle onto the prints like a second skin, an ongoing search for freedom away from my family origins in fashion.

Emmanuelle Bousquet

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