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Echo Fine Arts : Vee Speers : Fashioned from Nature


For the inaugural exhibition of its new permanent space in Cannes, Echo Fine Arts presents “Fashioned from Nature”, a solo show by the most Parisian of Australian artists: Vee Speers.

For almost three decades, Australian-born artist Vee Speers has crafted a style of her own in portraiture, recognizable at first sight. With three sold out monographs and dozens of international exhibitions, her photographs can be found in the most prestigious public and private collections.

Gathering a selection of artworks from six out of her nine series, Metamorphosis highlights the evolution of the artist’s vision. Threading a coherent narrative throughout her different bodies of work, Vee Speers builds a mythology of her own, exploring femininity, childhood and its mutations. Colored in aetheral tints, her portraits appear timeless and liminal, oscillating between reality and fantasy, transcience and permanence. Her heroes are in constant metamorphosis: gentle warriors, fantastic beings, martyrs, divine entities, conquerors or survivors of a cyclic chaos, stuck in an eternal renewal.


Vee Speers : Fashioned from Nature
from June 29th until September 14th, 2024
Echo Fine Arts
19 Bd Victor Tuby
06400 Cannes, France

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