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Discovery Award 2013 : Y. Eid-Sabbagh & R. Quéré


Possible and imaginary lives

This is the story of four strong and feisty woman, exiled to the four corners of the globe, four Palestinian-Lebanese sisters who crossed the 20th century. It is a story somewhere between documentary and fiction, biography and drama, based on family photographs and taped interviews – a narrative of both actual and imagined events. […] Herein is a reinterpretation of reality tinged with tenderness and humour. The imagination of the four women and the two photographers is at the core of this work. […] Far from being a factual or historical portrait of Graziella and her sisters, we have attempted to convey the eccentricities and the imagination of these women […]. […] by combining old family photographs and text, we did not aim to write their story, but to write a myth.

Yasmine Eid Sabbagh and Rozenn Quéré

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