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Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2012


Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2012 at The Photographers’ Gallery: And the winner is …

On the 13th of July 2012 the Photographers’ Gallery in London opened its doors to the exhibition of the four artists shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2012. The annual reward of £30,000 is awarded to a living photographer, of any nationality, for a specific body of work in an exhibition or publication format, which has significantly contributed to photography between 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2011.

Last years’ Deutsche Börse Photoraphy Prize has been award to Jim Goldberg and previous winners include Paul Graham, Sophie Ristelhueber, Luc Delahaye and Walid Raad among others. The exhibition of the four shortlisted artists showcases not only a diversity of subject matter but also photographic approach, ranging from documentary photography of the everyday to the appropriation and recontextualisation of found and conceptual images . The country of the photographers’ origin couldn’t be any further apart , from Japan Rinko Kawauchi , American Christopher Williams and Pieter Hugo who was born in South Africa to British John Stezaker, this year’s winner.

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