Jérôme Brezillon passed away on Friday morning, March 2, following a two-year battle with cancer. He was 47.
We will miss his elegance, his honesty, his courage, his talent, and above all his friendship, which was candid and complete. Jérôme leaves behind him an unfinished body of work. He mainly photographed in America, as if France was too small and lacking in perspective and spirit for a man like him, taken as he was with large spaces, with the myth of America, with the Native American tribes who regained their dignity through his lens, with endless highways and seedy motels.
Not even John Ford could be as happy as Jérôme was behind the wheel, tearing across America in one of those marvelous cars. For his last project, which remained unfinished at his death, he chose to travel the America by train, photographing the country he loved so much: On Board!
Jérôme, how sorry we are that the trip came to an early end. My thoughts are with his three children, Vadim, Lazare and Joseph; with his wife, Doris; and with his family and friends. We miss you terribly.
Goodbye, my friend.
Denis Darzacq