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Damiani : Brown W. Cannon III : North


American photographer Brown W. Cannon III has been a surfer for more than three decades, with a family legacy in Hawaii for nearly a century.

His book North published this month by Damiani compiles a series he has been working on for more than ten years that captures the allure of surf culture and community on the North Shore of O’ahu, Hawaii.

“Some of the tales are funny, some are harrowing, some are triumphant, and some are profoundly personal. But all of them have at their core an unwavering passion for the sea,” writes Cannon in North.

“All of these people are magnetically drawn to this magical coast, and they’re all connected by water,” writes Cannon. “North is dedicated to ‘ohana, and to friendships born in the waves. The Hawaiian word meaning ‘family,’ ‘ohana extends beyond blood relations. It is not limited; it is meant to grow.”


Brown W. Cannon III : North
272 pp
77 colour 137 b&w
318 x 432mm
ISBN 9788862088015
€250   £220

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