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Coralie Fournier-Moris :–Caprices


The series Caprices is part of a self-published work entitled Autodafé. This is my first monograph. It features black-and-white photographs taken between 2009 and 2011. I appear in each photograph “as a veritable ode to the other” and for the other. This is a response to the chances, encounters and discussions of a romantic break-up. A game of chance where I make the rules, the series Caprices takes its inspiration from several discoveries and readings, from Francisco de Goya to La Castiglione, from Pietro Longhi and 18th century love scenes to Stanley Kubrick and other unknown and unspoken things.

Caprice 1 : « And now she’s standing. »
Caprice 2 : « This way he can see her. »
Caprice 3 : « Because she was insensitive. »
Caprice 4 : « She prays for him. »
Caprice 5 : « She says ‘no’ and refuses at first to give her hand. »
Caprice 6 : « She escapes. »
Caprice 7 : « No sacrifice. »
Caprice 8 : « To life. »

Coralie Fournier-Moris is a photographer and visual artist who teaches applied arts. She is currently preparing an exhibition at the Galerie Confluence in Paris, which will be held December 6 – December 29, 2012.

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