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Clervaux – Cité de l’Image : Interview with Sandra Schwender


Sandra Schwender is an independent curator and the director of Clervaux – Cité de l’Image. Our correspondent Laurine Varnier had the opportunity to ask her a few questions about her profession and the institution she directs.


What is your background?

I studied art history, museum practice, and exhibition management at the University of Vienna. Alongside my studies, I interned in museums and with exhibition curators. Passionate about contemporary art, I later specialized in photography and all things related to images. I am currently the director of Clervaux – Cité de l’Image and independent exhibition curator.


What does your work at Clervaux – Cité de l’Image entail?

Clervaux – Cité de l’Image showcases the works of six different artists each year. The unique aspect of Clervaux is that most of the exhibitions are held outdoors. This offers a new way to engage with public space and a novel experience for visitors. The annual exhibition changes each autumn, and we also organize temporary indoor and outdoor exhibitions. As the director, I am responsible for organizing these exhibitions: selecting the artists, setting up the installations, and managing the communication around the exhibitions. My job allows me to travel within Luxembourg and abroad to discover photographers’ works. I enjoy visiting artists’ studios and seeing the environments they work in, which helps me write exhibition texts and get to know them better.

Since 2022, the Clervaux – Cité de l’Image Photography Prize has taken place every two years, allowing artists from the Greater Region to submit their works. The second edition, with 14 finalists, concluded on June 30th with an exhibition at Brahaus and generated great interest. This year, the jury prize was awarded to Nazanin Hafez, and the public prize went to Olivier Schillen.

Additionally, new interesting collaborations have been established: In the summer of 2025, Cité de l’Image will participate in LUGA (Luxembourg Urban Gardening) with an exhibition and an exchange of artist residencies between Clervaux and Stilfs in South Tyrol.


How do you choose the artists to exhibit?

I place great importance on the artist’s personality, background, and story. I am also sensitive to the originality of the themes chosen for their series. Sometimes, they address topics I am completely unfamiliar with, and I conduct additional research to better understand their work. Photography integrates well with other media, such as video, opening up a wide range of creative possibilities. What moves me in photography are the images that can be viewed with a new interpretive perspective each time.


What advice would you give to someone interested in becoming an exhibition curator?

I would advise them to take internships whenever possible, be curious about everything, and spend a lot of time in museums! Also, do not hesitate to talk with artists and curators.


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