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Christie’s : 4 photographs for $3,717,000


At Christie’s in New York, a record was set yesterday for André Kertész after a print of his photograph Satiric Dancer (1926) hammered for $450,000, or $567,000 with fees

Here are the final numbers from Christie’s two Evening Sales this week:

20th Century Evening Sale
Andre Kertesz, $567,000.00 (World Auction Record for the Artist)
Edward Weston, $1,071,000.00 (4th highest record for the artist)

21st Century Evening Sale
Diane Arbus, $1,197,000 (World Auction Record for the Artist. Christie’s holds all 5 of the Top 5 records at auction, and 2 results over $1M)
Richard Avedon, $882,000 (Highest result for the image. Christie’s holds 4 of the 5 top results.)

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