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China : Niort, Villa Pérochon x Fuzhou : Rencontres de la jeune photographie international


The Villa Pérochon with the Rencontres de la jeune photographie internationale en République populaire de Chine.

This first edition of the Rencontres de la jeune photographie internationale from Niort to Fuzhou is one of the flagship photography events for the Fuzhou region and the Fujian province. This year commemorates 60 years of diplomatic relations between France and China. The French Institute plans in its programming many French cultural and artistic events, including that of Niort.

For the past 4 months, in conjunction with the French Institute, we have been cooperating on the development of a major exhibition of works created in Niort during the Rencontres de la Jeune Photographie Internationale or produced by Villa Pérochon. 12 artists will be represented, chosen from very diverse artistic approaches, representing several currents of contemporary photography favoring rather conventional presentations with regard to material conditions (no transport of works).

Since March, events have been happening in Fuzhou and the French Institute is launching the opening of the Croisements Festival in the Canton district of Fuzhou, with the presence of Mr. Christophe Bagonneau (cultural attaché of the Consulate General of France in Canton) and by Mr. Nicolas Pillerel (Minister-Counsellor for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Affairs of the French Embassy).


Rencontres de la jeune photographie internationale
from April 27 to July 30, 2024
Exhibition at Strait Culture Art Center Fuzhou
People’s Republic of China

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