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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Send us your Portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world to show case their photographs.…

Robert Hutinski

In series are also used photographs from photo archive of the Museum of Recent History Celje and photos from some private collections.Stolen Children from Celje.…

Tarik Yaici

Across the diagonale du vide, the “French desert” which spans the country from northeast to southwest, I went out in search of my little brother who had left too early.…

Piergiorgio Casotti

It was with all my questions and wonderings that I found myself flying as a modern pioneer about to discover one of the last unexplored lands. I was flying to…

Allison Stewart

Allison Stewart’s documentary photographs examine America’s subculture of guns and our romance with war. This series focuses on female Civil War reenactors and their 19th century impressions.  …

Tamim Jamshed

At the beginning Dhaka was a small city with a few thousand people. This city which is situated on the bank of the river Buriganga was recognized in 1608 by…

Oliver Weber

Oliver Weber’s new and evolving series Social Life at Beach is a documentary about the touristic life on the Canary Islands of Spain. Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists,…

Christophe-Paul Sauvage

With the series La Cité des Combats Obscurs, I evoke a journey into a land filled with iron beasts, earthen ogres, steel monsters, strange animals, petrified warriors, stranded ships and…

Elsa Leydier

In February 2014, the Brazilian Post Office printed 600,000 stamps dedicated to the World Cup. In a few days, all of the 600,000 stamps had sold out on the internet…

Olivia Locher

With my ongoing series I Fought the Law I depict America’s most unusual laws. Some of them are still on the statute books. After doing some initial project research I quickly discovered…


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