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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Michel D’Argent

When I have been in the subway the morning of November 25th 2014, how could I imagine living the adventure of Lascaux's explorers or the graves of the Valley of…

Sandra Fastré

Celibacy now affects all levels of the population regardless of age, social status. At the last census INSEE (2012) singles represent 54.3% of the French population. Revolution or evolution of…

Grace Weston

J'ai une fascination pour le paysage psychologique. A travers les photographies de mes vignettes construites, je me efforce d'entreprendre les dilemmes et les craintes qui, à première vue, semblent personnels,…

Ieva Saudargaité

‘Life despite here’ is an on-going series on the plethora of urban social issues plaguing the city of Beirut, depicting its perpetual state of disrepair and stagnation in the shadow…

Nigel Maudsley

A series of portraits taken in my studio and on location over the last two years. Some use traditional techniques from film to darkroom, others are digital with some post…


Absurdity in an absurd world, eruption of freedom in skimpy landscapes, anarchic dancing in a shabby architecture, the clichés of the philosopher are the result of improvised events, born of…

Jean-Baptiste Avril

In a small village of Normandy, an unconventional encounter with a passionate woman. Katia and her husband live an amazing relationship with a very particular specie, the Sphynx, despite its…

Send us your Portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world to show case their photographs. …

Luisa Dorr

Made in Hong Kong at the avenue of the stars. Analyzing visually the dynamics generated with the mainland china population when they are in Hong Kong.…

Károly Sándor Áron

Weapons are used and developed for centuries, to help man kind kill his enemies or defend himself. They are usually considered as tools of violence, and are also the most…


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