I recently obtained a rarely given permission to photograph Paris from a helicopter directly over Paris monuments. Usually flights are restricted to the outskirts […]…

I recently obtained a rarely given permission to photograph Paris from a helicopter directly over Paris monuments. Usually flights are restricted to the outskirts […]…
Cosmologica documents a fictional space exploration mission using the 19th-century printing technique known as cyanotype. The series uses photographs of real-world spaceports, dust clouds, […]…
For the morning walker, a blank beach is like a blank page. Everything is new and all the future can imagine. After the wave, […]…
Generation Y includes all people born between 1980 and the beginning of the year 2000 and are called millennials. These so-called « pragmatic idealists […]…
In 1920, Ohn Maung founded Myanmar’s first film studio, the Burma Film Co. and made the country’s first feature film titled Myitta Ne Thuya […]…
Self-portraits features 1960’s and 50’s garments from my daily wardrobe acquired to celebrate having emerged from aspects of a long-term depression after a recent […]…
Each year, Iran celebrates the Shiite Ashura festival with a large gathering of worshipers around prayers and trances, marking the martyrdom of Imam Hussein […]…
Parents and, broadly speaking, relatives and kins. We know the names of some of them, a date written with a pen on the back […]…
The photographs in the project “A day in life” are scenes that at first sight look realistic. They appear to be quite ordinary. However, […]…