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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Steve Meltzer

After the light Darkness fell suddenly as though an evil wizard had waved a magic wand and made the world stand still. The confinement […]…

Alma Bibolotti

Water Haiku Nature always creates visual connections following a rythm and showing patterns of temporary forms : I like to capture the simple beauty of […]…

Feng Liu

This past Monday (October 11, 2021) was Columbus Day, and a parade was held in Chicago. Feng Liu…

Andrew Feiler

A Better Life for Their Children Born in America to Jewish immigrants, Julius Rosenwald rose to lead retailer Sears, Roebuck & Company and turn […]…

Denis Olivier

Since childhood Denis Olivier has been immersed in the world of art and photography. A childhood bathed in red light and marked by the […]…

Erwin More

Journey Through Time : Iceland Ascending through the Highlands of North Iceland is an epic adventure that reveals a sense of the beginning the […]…

Emmanuelle Becker

Gotham Visions & Second City Gotham Visions & Second City is a photographic series of unsettling cityscapes. These dark and dream-like images are in […]…


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