We remember the remarkable exhibition “Hitchcock an d Art” at the Pompidou Centre and its catalogue, which was immediately sold out! It was a question of symbolism, particularly of the…
PhotographyIn Short
Déplacé au printemps, le Mois de la photo du Grand Paris souhaite accompagner cette nouvelle réalité humaine et géographique du Grand Paris, grâce à l’art le plus populaire auprès des…
The first edition of the 2015 Fiebre Photobook Festival will be presented at 10.30am on 10 December in CentroCentro Cibeles. Organised by Blank Paper Escuela and MOB, Fiebre Pho- tobook 2015…
La fondation Act On Your Future, en collaboration avec l'ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne, la galerie Art Bärtschi & Cie et Human Rights Watch, décerne le premier Prix de photographie…
On 8th december, OFR Bookshop in Paris is pleased to welcome authors from VU Collection for a a special signature meeting. Come and meet with :Lorenzo Castore, Juan Manuel Castrio…
More Than A Gallery présente « Talent Scout » son nouveau projet curatorial dédié à la photographie contemporaine.…
17th december, Eleonore Challine, winner of the 2014 Musée d'Orsay prize, will give a conference "Imagine Photomuseum: projects, utopies and realities" and followed by a discussion…
Meeting until next December 12th in the Galerie Particuliere to discover the Carte Blanche de Michel Poivert around emergent artists who seize new stakes in the photography in opposition to…
Camera Clara award 2015, has been delivered to Yann Laubscher for his series “L’appel” began 5 years ago in Russia. The prize, created in […]…