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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

AIPAD 2013 –Robert Klein

A mix of genres are on view at the Robert Klein gallery. Apart from the celebrated work of Irving Penn and Francesca Woodman are still lifes by Paulette Tavormina, the…

AIPAD 2013 –Robert Morat

The Hamburg-based gallerist Robert Morat is betting on new talent this year. On display at his stand are the imminent Christian Patterson, with his “investigation” photos taken from the project…

AIPAD 2013 –Scott Nichols

Lots of vintage black-and-white work at this San Francisco gallery. We find portraits, nudes and landscapes from Brett and Edward Weston, Dorothea Lange, Irving Penn, Mona Kuhn, Niniane Kelley and…

AIPAD 2013 –James Danziger

Visitors to the New York gallery held by the American James Danziger will find cold, intriguing portraits by Hendrik Kerstens, and others, warmer in black-and-white, by Seydou Keita, along with…

AIPAD 2013 –Hans Kraus

There’s a touch of old France at the Hans Kraus stand: the Bisson brothers, two pioneers who were among the first to experiment outside the technical limits of the daguerreotype;…

AIPAD 2013 –Howard Greenberg

One of the hottest New York galleries exhibiting at AIPAD is showing some of the greatest in American documentary photography Berenice Abbott, Bruce Davidson, William Klein, Joel Meyerowitz, etc., with strong and…

AIPAD 2013 –Johannes Faber

Classic works are on display at this Viennese gallery: Edward Steichen, Edward Weston, and the lesser-known Rudolf Koppitz. This Czech photographer, often said to be Austrian, is known for continuing…

AIPAD 2013 –Laurence Miller

Laurence Miller has adapted his stand this year to the prevailing current taste of the art world, and will showcase his star contemporary photographers: Luca Campigotto, Toshio Shibata, Miguel Angel Garcia, and…

AIPAD 2013 –by Stephen Perloff

Stephen Perloff, editor of The Photo Review and The Photography Collector, two online magazines available with a subscription, has given us permission to publish his coverage of this year’s AIPAD…


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