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A Passage With Penn

It was 1980 - I was 27 and I wrote to Irving Penn, asking if I might come and see him. I had just returned to New York from four…

Irving Penn

Irving Penn is the photographer who impressed me the most. He was the biggest perfectionist, the most intransigent photographer I ever met. I met him several times. The first was in…

Irving Penn

Pierre Apraxine and Matthieu Humery are the two curators of the exhibition Irving Penn: Resonance. Apraxine is the legendary curator of the Gilman collection, one of the finest photography collections in the world, which…

Exclusive Video – New York

The AIPAD (Association of International Photography Art Dealers) Photography Show New York had wednesday night it’s 34th edition opening night gala with more than 80 of the world’s leading fine art photography galleries.…


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