This photo series consists of hilarious, absurd photos, that surprises us and make us laugh. They are, however, in the spirit of the work of Moroccan photographer Hicham Benohoud, an…
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Photographs are inventing and producing spaces. Photographs can interpret real places and create new ones, depending on the selected point of view. For his first exhibition, this young photographer from…
There’s an immense installation by Corinne Vionnet on the wall of the French embassy. It’s hot out and the panels, three meters tall, are placed haphazardly against the wall. The…
Each of the pictures in the Photo Opportunities series consists of a hundred views of the same place, gleaned on the internet. While searching for keywords of famous monuments on…
Born in 1981, Kim Hak belongs to the first generation of Cambodians born after the Pol Pot regime. He wanted to know about what happened to his family. He discovered…
Taiwan has more than 600 scenery trucks that drive across the country to serve as the backdrop for shows and entertainment, during religious or family ceremonies. Baptisms (christenings), marriages, funerals,…
For his first photographic work, Khun Vannak, young Cambodian photography student from Studio Images questions his own identity in reference to both the beliefs of his country and the actual situation…
Singapore is usually considered “the Switzerland of Asia” - and is seen as modern, rich, and financially powerful. But Caleb Ming, who specializes in architecture, decoration, and advertising is interested…
The population of Nepal is made up of 102 ethnic groups and castes, and the people of Nepal speak more than 92 languages. After recent political and social turmoil, it…
How to practice photography when partially blinded? This is the troubling question that Nguyen Thi-nhan raises with her colorful, soft, intimate images all linked by an astonishing unity of “seing”.…