Awarded by a prestigious jury, the annual Bourse Jean-Luc Lagardère allows a photographer under 35 to produce a photographic reportage on society, economics, politics or culture. Provided that (a) you are under 35, (b) you have already have eat least two published works of documentary photography, (c) you make your living with photography, and (d) you are interested in shooting a photo reportage in France or abroad, apply for the Bourse Photographe de la Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère.
Previous winners include Sarah Caron (2000), Rip Hopkins (2000), Samuel Bollendorff (2001), Lucille Reyboz (2001), Agnès Dherbeys (2005), Véronique de Viguerie (2006), Stéphanie Lacombe (2006), William Daniels (2007), Olivia Arthur (2008), Julien Goldstein (2009), Elena Chernyshova (2011), Dimitri Afanasenko (2012), Benoît VOLLMER (2013), Maciek POZOGA (2014).
Submission through June 13rd, 2015