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Bibliothèque de Genève : Jean Revillard : Forced return to a wild life


In January 2019, at the age of 51, Geneva photographer Jean Revillard suddenly disappeared. Death seized him while he was photographing the forest of Huelgoat, in Brittany. His photographic work is a committed testimony to the multiple, often dramatic, realities of our world. It is preserved today by the Bibliothèque de Genève.
Three years before his death, Jean Revillard published Outland, a work bringing together the projects that were dearest to his heart, some of which earned him notoriety and prestigious awards. The exhibition highlights some of these photos by relying on the common point of these reports: photographing ordinary people who have, in spite of themselves, been brutally pushed to remain in a space “outside the world”, that of migration, of exile and refuge, of prostitution and precariousness.
Stuck between their quest for a better life and the vital need for a decent livelihood, these people are unwillingly reduced to “ becoming wild”.

The cabin in the forest is the clear sign of their uncertain existence, their hopes and dreams as well as the fragility of their conditions of survival.

This exhibition is visible:
May 27–June 12: promenade des Bastions
June 13–June 30: Mont-Blanc rotunda
July 1–July 14: promenade des Bastions

Bibliothèque de Genève
Promenade des Bastions 8
1205 Genève

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