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Best Of September 2021 by Andy Romanoff


Here is The Best Of from September 2021 by Andy Romanoff.

Andy Romanoff is a photographer, writer, and journalist. He has been making pictures for over sixty years. He has been a contributor to L’Oeil since its earliest days.

Andy is the U.S. west coast correspondent for L’Oeil de la Photographie, a galleried photographer, an associate member of the American Society of Cinematographers, and a member of the Motion Picture Academy (AMPAS).

He is currently working on a long term project about American backroad highways and the small towns they connect, The Places In-between. That work spans writing, still photography and video.

In addition to his work in photography, Andy writes memoir and musings at Stories I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You.


Andy’s Best Of and why for 2021:

Agence Roger-Viollet : Joséphine Baker by Boris Lipnitzki : Because she is a mythic figure but except for a few pictures, mainly clothed and posed she is never seen.

Peter Arnell : Pompeii : Not for the pictures of the facades but for the objects of everyday life, the wagon, and the Amphora and the figures huddled at the moment of their doom.

Photo London 2021 : Nick Brandt : The Day May Break : Because they are beautiful and powerful and they contain mysteries

Bronx Documentary Center : URGENCY! Afghanistan : Because we must witness what we have been part of doing.

Catherine Edelman Gallery : Lea Lund & Erik K : Nomads : Because I always love the pictures no one else can make.

Girls! Girls! Girls! : Marco Glaviano : Supermodels : Because here we see the raw element of fashion, the body without the clothes that are the pretense for our fascination.

Phot’Aubrac 2021 : Kyriakos Kaziras : Because we need to treasure the world and all that it contains.

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