It is a place where time fades. A place where the physical contours of matter fade away.
Here the photography rediscovers the delicacy of the 19th century pictorialists. In his proposal Stéphane Mahé opens a window to an intangible elsewhere and invites us to step aside, in search of a second reality. Somewhere on the edge of the world.
The place, the time does not matter … here whoever looks interprets, invents, tells his story, his stories.
Somewhere is a sequence of images that articulate like a feverish breath in which each photo is on the other hand autonomous and offers the gaze the possibility of a beginning.
Somewhere is of course somewhere; somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow, somewhere between the corner of the street, the end of the field; a place so familiar and yet, apart from one detail, so different that you want to slowly get lost in it.
Stéphane Mahé : Somewhere
August 1 – 12 September 12, 2020
La chambre claire Galerie
3 rue Voltaire
Douarnenez (29100)