The duo of photographers Elsa Parra & Johanna Benaïnous have recently produced the videoclip Fall In Deep for the band BLOW. The two women filmed “in the desert and volcanic immensity of the Canary Islands, in Lanzarote and Tenerife”. The story narrates a friendship between two confronting friends, and more symbolically, “an internal conflict in which the body and mind disagree “. The almost hallucinatory and fantastic desert framework reinforces a general impression of idleness, with impossible communication.
Once again, their work combines a complementary approach between video and photography, two mediums used with brico to emphasize the treatment of color and the importance of narration. Elsa & Johanna explains: “For us, photography and video are two complementary practices that feed on each other. They have two different narrative forces, a photo series often inspires a film, and vice versa”.
The color is placed at the center of the narration. “We often attribute a color or hue to the characters we create, and we use it to develop the narrative.We think that the eye create unconscious bonds between form, color and emotion.Colour acts as a tool serving the symbol and the metaphor “.
Amon other spaces, Elsa & Johanna have been exhibited in 2017 at Centquatre, Espace Coeur (Paris), in 2016 at the Villa Emerige, the Palais des Beaux–Arts in Paris, the Salon Montrouge and the Slideluck Photoville Festival in Brooklyn in 2016. Both graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the School of Visual Arts in New York. In particular, they became known for their series A Couple of Them, featuring formidable portraits of an unpretentious youth, drawn from reality.