Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations They say that I am grumpy, backward-looking, pessimistic and that I understand nothing of the splendors of contemporary images. No […]…
Author Thierry Maindrault
For the first time, the work of Jean Pierre Devals appeared a few years ago in Phot’Aubrac. We had published some of his documentary […]…
The number of books and exhibitions that revolve around breast cancer, this destructive biological scourge, is becoming inexhaustible. Photographs, paintings, videograms, performances, films, all […]…
I would like to end this trilogy of articles dedicated to Serge Assier, with his creative side which is an essential part of his […]…
Yesterday, I introduced you to a small side of this astonishing character: the photographer Serge Assier. For this second part, I’m showing you what […]…
He is one of the last living dinosaurs of French photography. Our collaborator Thierry Maindrault pays him a tribute in 3 parts! JJN I […]…
Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Thoughts A photographer friend whom I appreciate as one of the great photojournalists of his generation, and who was exhibiting at […]…
Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Chronicle Already fifty monthly columns, including this one, have slipped into The Eye of Photography. However, it was not a win […]…
He is everywhere, throughout France. It is becoming difficult to go to any region of France without finding a Hans Silvester exhibition. His images […]…