Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations Few things annoy me more than that little (often illustrated) business card, which bears the words “artist photographer,” sometimes larger […]…
Author Thierry Maindrault
Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations This photographer is Nobody. More precisely, this photographer in decline is all of us. At the end of the fighting, […]…
There are happy connections. What better place than the Musée de la Photographie « Charles Nègre » in Nice to exhibit some photographs judiciously taken […]…
Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations The years go by and are similar. The years go by but are not similar. Everyone projects themselves, according to […]…
I had seen this book on the table of its publisher, Le Bec en l’Air, at the last Paris Photo, a few days before […]…
Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations We are already in the last length of this year 2024, a year of thirteen moons, which as a whole […]…
Yes, it’s already been 20 years since Claude Nougaro, the Toulouse cantor, left us. Born into music to a baritone father at the Paris […]…
In Gien, the castle overlooks the roofs of the city and dominate the Loire which flows, to the rhythm of the seasons, more or […]…
Since October 25, 2024 and for almost a year, liners will be in the spotlight at the Musée d’arts de Nantes then at the […]…