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Author Thierry Maindrault

But! Who is the Photographer?

Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations This photographer is Nobody. More precisely, this photographer in decline is all of us. At the end of the fighting, […]…

A Photographer’s Dreams

Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations The years go by and are similar. The years go by but are not similar. Everyone projects themselves, according to […]…

Lucien Clergue : 10 years

par Thierry Maindrault Ten years since our photographic universe lost one of its most illustrious champions. Firstly, Lucien was undoubtedly a very talented photographer, […]…

The Panache of Photography

Thierry Maindrault’s Monthly Cogitations They say that I am grumpy, backward-looking, pessimistic and that I understand nothing of the splendors of contemporary images. No […]…


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