Let us, each week, discover this new generation of players who seize images in their daily lives; gallery owners but also editors, art advisors, directors of institutions or fairs,…
Author marie-elisabeth-de-la-fresnaye
61è édition du Salon de Montrouge, un tournant réussi ! Pointu et accessible (gratuité), pédagogique (ateliers du dimanche) et festif (programmation de films et performances en hommage au centenaire du…
Let us, each week, discover this new generation of players who seize images in their daily lives; gallery owners but also editors, art advisors, directors of institutions or fairs,…
Michel Frizot, art and photography historian, and Hélène Pinel, in charge of the Rodin Museum’s photography collection, are studying the historic conjunction during the 1960s between sculpture and photography through…
Du 14 au 17 avril, 1ère édition du festival d'art vidéo La ville au Corps, au Carreau du Temple dans la Marais à Paris. Une quarantaine de vidéos d'artistes dont une…
Allen Ginsberg and the Beat Generation, the masters of Pop, Louise Bourgeois, Susan Sontag, Cassius Clay, James Rosenquist, the Lower East Side, Malcom X, the Tower of Light, Diane Arbus,…
Tatyana Franck, who, at a mere 30, steers the destiny of the future Musée de l’Elysée, located at the heart of a new museum campus near the Lausanne train station,…
Alors qu’elle pilote à juste 30 ans, la destinée du futur musée de l’Elysée au sein du pôle plate-forme de la gare Lausanne, Tatyana Franck dont la précocité n’a d’égal…
Taking an intimate look at the creative act has always exerted fascination; it also became the object of photographers’ obsession which is being recaptured at the Petit Palais with an…