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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Brenda Spielmann

Luminaries Luminaries is a project where I photograph para-athletes and paralympians and hand-embroider their images with metallic thread on photographic paper. Rooted in my […]…

Vincent Binant

Canım “Through the boat’s window, an infinite, glittering expanse of water, enigmatic and indifferent, its waves lost on the horizon beneath a steel sky […]…

Daria Nazarova

Natura “I could still feel that optimism vibrating through the decades: that our bodies are full of power, and furthermore that their power is […]…

Peter Casaer

Random Encounters Chance encounters in the neighbourhoods of Brussels have led to this series that portrays the diversity of the city, its inhabitants and […]…

Stefano Orrù

Corsa Degli Scalzi – The origins of the race Every first Sunday of September the faithful of Cabras (Oristano, Central-West Coast of Sardinia) celebrate […]…

Bruno Patrel

Seaside houses The “crampotes” of the old harbor in Biarritz (photographs 1 to 5) helped me to create this series, beacause of their simplicity. […]…


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