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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Tribute to Olivier Etcheverry

On March 3, Olivier Etcheverry, Francois Hebel's alter ego at the Rencontres d'Arles and its artistic director, passed away! Francois Hebel made a beautiful and moving tribute that was screened…

Thierry Camus

J’en perds la boule  / I’m losing my “marble” She came into my life somewhat by chance, one December morning and as soon as […]…

Kurt Hollander

The Boardwalk Benches of Brighton Beach Going to the Coney Island/Brighton Beach boardwalk on the Fourth of July has long been a tradition for […]…

Michel Daumergue

The scale and the limit The series I present here was born from a journey that became displacement. Iceland has indeed moved me by […]…


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