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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Eric Davidove

King of the Streets My photo project is a collection of candid moments from the King of the Streets annual event in the Mission […]…

Charles Nyst

Le Dernier Déjeuner Dînatoire Last year our mother died at the age of 103 years. Our father died 20 years earlier. They had lived […]…

Sidney Goldberg

The Paris Olympics at Rockefeller Center Though Rockefeller Center in midtown Manhattan is well known for its more than 100 major art works, right […]…

Nicole Duranceau

Nostalgic Deauville During a short stay in Deauville, I discovered a very endearing town, far from the glitz and glamour I’d imagined. I found […]…


Technical Images of Flux As a result of its origins in the industrial revolution, the camera is widely regarded as a mechanical tool or […]…


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