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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Simone Casetta –Des nues…

Simone Casetta was born in Milan in 1961. A photographer, he teaches the practice and ethics of photographic storytelling at the ISIA — Université d’Urbino, Italy. Erotic photography is sacred…

Claudine Doury –Sasha

For years, Claudine Doury has photographed her daugher, Sasha. Her portraits are currently on display at the Galerie Particulière. A text by Mélanie McWhorter puts Doury’s work in context:…

Kevin Cooley –Take Refuge

Kevin Cooley is a visual artist working in photography, video, and public installation. His work examines the interaction between the natural environment and the one that we fabricate. He makes…

Bones –Life after Death

Pauline Rochas and Carole Beaupré, two young New York photographers, explain their current series entitled Bones. One look and what you see is a figure against a brooding dark background…


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